Monday, June 19, 2006

A Weekend in Nantou

Nantou is in the center of Taiwan and surrounded by mountains. The only way to get to Nantou is by bus or car. The bus gives me a headache and since I have no car in Taipei, my best option is to take a train to Taizhong to meet Vivian, and then drive to Nantou. However, since bus tickets are easiest to find and buy, I choose to travel by bus this weekend. It was not too bad because I took some 'dizzy car medicine' and it actually worked. Much of my weekend was spent tying ribbons to our engagement party invitations. Vivian's friends came to help tie ribbons to the invations Saturday. After that we went to Taizhong to eat dinner at a Shanghai restaurant. Vivian's uncle Wu took us to eat dinner the following night. It was a combination of a buffet and a regular served meal. I ordered the French style lamb chops, added a lot of side dishes from the buffet, and enjoyed it very much.


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