Monday, June 19, 2006

A Hole in the Ground!

I have terrible memories of my high school stomach aches. Our bathrooms were terrible. Often times they were locked to keep our high school smokers out. I still can't determine who is more dumb: the high school student who smokes in the bathroom or the administrator who decides to lock the bathroom. I remember arriving at school 7:30am with a stomach ache and not using the restroom until I got home at 3:30pm. This is something I have forgotten about for a long time. Bathrooms have been nice over the past four years that I have spent in college. Unfortunately, my experience today brought back my high school memories. Taiwan is a very modern country for the most part. There are somethings that could be more modern, such as bathrooms. I took a train from Taizhong to Taipei this morning. The toilets really are just a hole in the ground. Nothing to sit on or lean on. Most are not like this, but occasionally there is a very unpleasant suprise in the bathroom when I really have to go. I always walk away and wait until my next chance to go, but this time I was at the train station and had a two hour trip in front of me. I decided that the train station could have bathrooms like that, but it would be impossible for the trains to have holes in the ground. The train moves and people need to sit down in order to avoid being thrown around. I thought wrong and upon entering the restroom on the train I had the option of using the hole in the ground or exploding. I used the hole in the ground and I'm not sure I made the right decision. The train is not the best place to learn how to use a hole in the ground. Let me just end the story here without going into details.


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